Mommies Day Out 2013 ~ Get Crafty!
If you've been following babynadra, you will know that I looooove mommies day out. I've doing this activity for quite sometime now, however the numbers mommies participating seem to be at low BECAUSE most had more kids to handle. Additional kids means that it is tougher to handle. :)
Anyways, during the Sultan Selangor holiday, I gave a good friend of mine a ring (with 3 kids nowadays) for a day out and amazingly she said yes!! So, I got the kids out of the house, grab some instant breakfast and we are our way to OU~
Yup2, I know. The kids went nuts! hahaha...
They enjoyed their breakfast. Usually it was the favorite mamak stall Haji Tapah.
Done with breakfast, straight to OU.
Walk here there, and *demmit* some kids rides appear.
Both kids went *mommymommymommymommy**pleeeeaaaaase*
Ok. RM 3 per ride per kid.
Kakak had finished her big elephant ride.
The lil man still have some minutes on the baby elephant.
Grab some quick lunch at Waffle World *yes.again*
Send the big girls (Farissa and Min min) to Get Crafty for some creativework.
I decided not to spend so much on this. Bear in mind (1 hour = RM50).
I ask kakak to choose something simple which takes up 1 hour of her time.
Girls = busy. Check!
Boys = busy. Hamleys!
They's spend some time with building blocks.
Mostly, throwing blocks! hahahaha.
Ok the girls are done!!!
Just wonderful!!
Smile here ladies.. :)
Farissa chose to create a carousel and Min min a bed room.
Awwww... Just peachy perfect..
In the bedroom it goes.
Good job girl!