Farissa officially turns 9 yesterday. :) Such a big girl now. This year she ask for a day out with her girl friends, and I decided to bring them out for movie and ice cream. I pick the girls up from their house and some from class and drag them to
D'Pulze Cyberjaya (the only place which will not be super crowded during the weekends).
Because it was lunch time, Mr. Bob and I treat them each with
hot dogs and soft drinks. The girls enjoyed the movie tremendously, and I was sitting in a row right behind them (for easy monitoring). :p They enjoyed the movie so much! Then, I treat them each with 2 things from Daiso so they spend quite sometime in Daiso choosing their goodies.
Right before the party ended, we head into The Loaf and ordered some
ice cream brownies which they all shared happily. Alhamdullilah, I hope that kakak had such a good time and remembered always that papa, mama and loves her very much. Happy birthday gegurl!!
Laughing and had some good ol' time |
My favorite girls~ |