Kimi Turns 2!!
Well.. the title says it all!! Happy 2nd Birthday kimi.. kami sekeluarga mendoakan agar Kimi menjadi anak yg soleh dan makes both of ur parents really happy.. for always.. :) This is some of the pics taken on the day.. everybody was happy and it was really a nice event..
At KFC in Nilai.. sampai quite early and waiting for others jemputan.. :)
The kids playing around with balloons..
Icha and Kimi enjoying the momment..
Mama.. manyaknyee balloons..
Chicky is here.. tapi semua kids takut ngan Chicky.. sampai menjerit2 ketakutan.. kesian chicky.. hehe..
Birthday boy tgh suspen.. haha..
Very nice cake from Secret recipe!!
Chicky saying hello.. Farissa memberanikan diri kasik chicky balloon coz chicky doesn't have one... concern kan..