Rio the Movie~~
We (meaning Farissa and mama), loved the new movie rio. Start of with a colourful song (literally colourful), cite dia mmg funny, loving and enjoyable! hehe.. We caught the movie last Saturday with Farissa 'boypren' Anas and his mama.. Overall, it was a wonderful day out.. :) ngeee~~
Mcm2 plan kan sebab tak nak boring.. ye la.. papa kan masih travelling.. sob sob.. so kami carik la activity lain..

image credit: cineplex aussie
haaa... ni dpt balloon dr Macau exhibition in Sunway Pyramid.. hik hik.. masing2 terover ghairah dpt belon nih..
yup.. walaupun both dah 4 tahun.. masih naik stroller... ok per.. sebab takkan nk dukung kalo penat... pinggang tak mampu k.. we all bought movie package rio pop corn RM10.90 each.. so dpt pop corn medium, bekas air rio with soda and lollipop dr chuppa...
After the movie.. we all had our lunches... and ordered out at tenpanyakki(eja betul ke ni?)... waaaahhh.. mmg sgt syioks.. tgk la bdak2 ni sibuk nk order gaks.. :)
so, give me a happy face you guys!!!
perfecto!!! love~~~
note: cuns tak awek kat blakang nun... cun kan .. cam pelakon indon jeks.. ;)
bila la kita nak ajak ecah tgk wayang ni..takut dia buat bising jek dalam tuh