Bow Legged and Farissa

Kisah cerita Bowlegged Farissa..


6.30pm - Mama ajak papa pi jumper dr fadzliayana la ptg ni since both of us balik awal that day. Pastuh plan nak gi JJ yelah mcm bese mama malas nak masak ptg tuh (1 minggu dah balik lewat).. So sampai-sampai tak ramai org.. we are the first customer utk mlm tuh.. Dr. fadzliayana kate.. "Ooohh, mmg bowleg la.. kene jumper Ortho ni".. mama mmg rase tak sedap.. tak percaya ape Dr. kate.. so senang cite ajak papa pi An-Nur Paeds utk 2nd Opinion...

7.00pm - Sesampai An-Nur.. masyallah.. ramainye manusia.. tp bertekad gaks nak pegi.. tunggu kat waiting area dah nak dekat 2 jam.. farissa seronok la bedal gelongsor... pastuh naik kuda see saw tu nak berdiri dah tak pegang ape.. mama ckp "kalo jatuh.. very good k!" tersenyum jeks.. geram betul...

9.05pm - Baru dpt jumper Dr. Arbayyah.. (mama suke sgt Dr. ni) Very gentle and kind.. Belum mama nak ckp ape2.. Dr pun dah bersuara..

Dr: I can see what is the problem is mama. How old is little Farissa?

Mama: 1 tahun 4 bulan doc. Hmm as you can see, her leg is kinda bowlegged.

Dr: Mama tolong buke seluar Farissa.. (Dr and mama buka seluar Farissa..).. Suke la tu ye Farissa.. (Farissa berlari and cube nak panjat sofa to get a toy on her desk)

Mama: So what would you suggest doc?

Dr: From the medical expect she is healthy.. she is active (Farissa menarik toy yang tergantung dari meja Dr..) hehe... Boleh berlari and berjalan .. Badan pun sehat.. Hm.. I think I will write you a referrel letter, utk u jumper an Ortho to ask for his opinion..

Mama: Thanks doc.. (Hati dah berat.. She is so perfect.. Doakan nothing is really wrong..)


2.00pm - Sampai di Hospital An-Nur. Register and all. Memang lama menunggu sebab Dr. lambat masuk huh...
4.00pm - "Nadra Farissa.. Sila masuk.."
Dr Azlan: Alrite.. Based on this letter your daughter is bowlegged ye.. (Menilik surat and buku anatomy yang sebegitu tebal).. Let see her legs.. Bukakkan seluar dier nurse...
*Farissa tetibe menjerit menangis..*
Mama: I'm sorry la doc.. Dia mmg takut org lelaki.. Come here Farissa.. (Sambil nyanyi lagu Froggie dengan twinkle2 little star)
Doc: Lutut dier ni 5cm apart.. It's not that bad.. Let see this graph (Doc tunjuk graph dier).. Your daughter is in the category di mana her bowlegged tu mmg lebih ketara dari baby lain.. And most probably dier akan lebih lambat menegak, 2.5 to 3 years old.. but insyallah her legs will eventually straigten as well. Lagipun.. cube tgk kaki I.. (Sambil berdiri dan tunjuk kaki dia sendiri..) Mine pun tak straight.. Sampai skrang.. Memang la tak cantik kalau nak amik gambar semua.. but tak menghalang somebody to be active in sports and to have a normal self development.. Overall.. you shouldn't be worried.. And if you are.. in 6 months you can come back and do a follow-up for your daughter.. ok?
Mama: Thats good news.. What about mengurut?
Doc: Jangan urut or sapu apa-apa.. Tak perlu..
Senang citer.. its a happy ending for a Bowlegged little girl... *Menunggu sampai 2 jam.. Jumpa Dr. tak sampai 15 min.. hehe*
*Come stop your crying it will be alright.. Come take my hand hold it tight.. I will protect you from all around you.. I will be here you don't you cry.. For one small you seem so strong.. My arms you hold you keep you safe and warm.. This bond between us can't be broken.. I will be here don't you cry..*
*Don't listen to them.. Cause what do they know.. We need each other,to have, to hold.. They'll see in timeI know..*


fadh said…
Insya-Allah takde pa pe.. fara jangan risau sangat ok... farissa budak yang kuat semangat.. tengok laaa saje dia punye kelincahan! tak terkejar mama dia...
Aqeef Aniq said…
Ya betul untie Fadh!! InsyaAllah takde pape.. ;) aniq doakan farissa sentiasa cihat..
S said…
i'm a slightly bow legged too u know. tapi tak noticeable sbb kaki panjang hahaha. worry not, hers are gonna grow up gorgeous. ;)
Farah I. said…
thank you semua.. this really touch me.. there are some people question cara farah besokan dier.. tak bedung la.. apa la.. huhu... sebenarnye she is beautiful the way she is.. :)